When Iblees (shaitan la) refused to recognize Nabi Adam (as) by His Noor
instead recognizing Him (Nabi Adam as) by his physical appearance, this was
the first instance in which doubts were created in the way of recognizing
Masoomeen (as). The majority of people today are still following his (iblees la)
way of recognizing Masoomeen (as) by Their physical appearances instead of by
Their Noor. Then the offspring of Iblees created a second hurdle for humans in
order to cast doubt upon the attributes of Masoomeen (as) which were so clear
and apparent that no one was able to reject them. They created the ideology of
ghulu (exaggeration), and in this way clouded the extremely apparent attributes
of Masoomeen (as) with doubts. In reality, today‟s Shia has fallen into this trap of
declaring everything which is in praise of Masoomeen (as) as ghulu
(exaggeration). Whenever any attribute of a masoom is reported, immediately it
is declared as an exaggeration by the majority of today‟s shias. Unfortunately,
this has become a common belief.
With this one doubt, they (offspring of Iblees la) were able to cast doubts upon
not only the attributes of Masoomeen (as), but also upon everything else in the
religion including oneness of Allah, justice, prophet hood, imamate, and judgment
day. They filled the people‟s minds with such doubts that they were able to
change the whole truth of what the real religion is. These doubts have become so
strong the people hesitate to accept any truth about the religion if it differs from
their own so called truths. They (offspring of Iblees la) used all their energies to
degrade the status of Ahlul Bayt (as) as others (wahabis etc) have used all their
energies to degrade the status of RasoolAllah (saw) in order to lower Them
(RasoolAllah saw and Ahlul Bayt as) to their level. In this way the wahabis can
feel superior as if they know more about the religion than the ones who originally brought it.
Slowly with the passage of time these doubts have been able to cause the people to be
unable to understand what the true meaning of marifat is. Iman
(faith) by one‟s tongue only instead of in one‟s heart and the showing off of one‟s
ibadat (acts of worship) has become the “real” religion of the people of today. We
have reached the point today where the sacrifices made by previous shias who
gave up their lives trying to defend the truth about the attributes of Ahlul Bayt (as)
has been rendered futile. Now so called shias of today openly insult Ahlul Bayt
(as) whether it be intentionally and unintentionally. Not only do they do this by
their tongues but also in their writings. But yet no one has enough belief in their
heart to stand up and say to these so called shias “Stop”. They allow them to go
on insulting Ahlul Bayt (as) and then accept those insults as truths. They drink
these words of kufr (disbelief) in the same way a baby drinks the milk of its
mother. Still somehow they call themselves “shia”. The root of all of this evil is
the ideology of ghulu (exaggeration). These so called scholars have scared the
shias of today so much by using the word “ghulu” that the shias are afraid to
accept the truth of the attributes of Ahlul Bayt (as). Not only do they not accept
these truths, but they will not even listen to anyone who tries to speak them out
of a so called imaginary fear. They are so afraid of becoming a “ghali”
(exaggerator) because in narrations a ghali has been proved to be a kafir
(disbeliever). The people have only heard of this word ghulu, but no one truly
knows what its real meaning is. If you give Masoomeen (as) a status which is
above that of a great scholar, devotee, or a man of great strength, then it is
considered ghulu (exaggeration). This is not ghulu.
What is Ghulu (exaggeration)?
Ghulu is when you exaggerate the truth of what something is by giving it
attributes that it does not possess or by raising its status to a level which is
higher than what it truly is. This is what ghulu is commonly known as. I have not
seen in any dictionary where this word has been used for one specific purpose or
group of people. Anyone who gives a higher attribute to a person who does not
possess those qualities is considered a ghali. If someone considers others as
“Qibla tul Islam” (honor of Islam) or “Marja anam” (great scholar) or (Maula, Maulana,Ayatullah or Ayatullah al Uzma...etc), he will be
considered as a ghali. Also one who gives himself these titles will be considered
as a ghali. These are the true meanings and explanations of this word “ghulu”,
but unfortunately in Shia Islam, this word is specifically used for Ahlul Bayt (as).
For Shia, ghulu means when you exaggerate the attributes of Ahlul Bayt (as).
Until now the shias take this as the true meaning of the word “ghulu”. This is such
a great tragedy that no matter how much grief one suffers from knowing this it will
never be enough. Even though it has been proved that when you have marifat
(recognition) of two beings, and you knowingly give the
attributes of the one who possesses a high status to the one who possesses the
lower status, then this is ghulu. It means that you know the status of Ahlul Bayt
(as) and know their limitations and boundaries maa‟ z aallah. In this case one who
uses the word ghulu for Ahlul Bayt (as); he is himself a mushrik (polytheist) .He becomes a mushrik (polytheist) because he claims he knows the boundaries
or limits of Allah‟s attributes (astarfghullah). The only way we can exaggerate the
status of Ahlul Bayt (as) is by claiming They are Allah. In reality it is impossible to exaggerate the status
of Ahlul Bayt (as). Even if you consider what someone is doing to be an
exaggeration of Their status, in reality he is not doing exaggeration, he is doing
taqseer (lowering Their status). This is because no one can know the true limit or
boundaries of Ahlul Bayt (as). So when you do not know the limit of something,
then it is impossible to exaggerate its status.
The people who consider the sayings of Masoomeen (as) as “ghulu” amaze me ,
and then they insult Masoomeen (as) openly, while at the same time following so
called ayatollahs blindly and giving them (ayatollahs) the respect that should only
be given to Masoomeen (as).
Exaggeration in the Favor of Ahlul Bayt
There is no doubt about it that in all narrations both ghali and ghulu have both
been condemned by Masoomeen (as). Before becoming so afraid of these
words, we have to find out what the true meanings of these words are according
to Masoomeen (as) and not according to other people.
O followers of the Book! do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not speak (lies) against Allah, but (speak) the truth; the Messiah, Isa son of Marium is only a messenger of Allah and His Word which He communicated to Marium and a spirit from Him; believe therefore in Allah and His messengers, and say not, Three. Desist, it is better for you; Allah is only one Allah; far be It from His glory that He should have a son, whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His, and Allah is sufficient for a Protector. (Qur'an 4:171)
Masoomeen (as) explained Ayah 171 of Sura al Nisa in this way:
Moula Ali (as) said, “Do not disassociate Us from the status of abduiyat
(servants of Allah). Other than this, whatever you say in regards to Our
attributes, you will never be able to describe Our true attributes. Listen! Be
aware of “ghulu” (exaggeration)! Be aware of what the Christians did to Isa
ibn Mariam (as)! They made Him as their god. I have no relation to those
who will do this to Us.”
Moula Ali (as) said, “ I am far away from “ghalis” (exaggerators) the same
way Isa ibn Mariam (as) disassociated Himself from Christians.”
Imam Zainul Abideen (as) said, “Jewish love Hazrat Uzair (as). They
made Him as their god. So neither they are from Uzair (as) nor is Uzair
(as) from them. Christians love Isa ibn Mariam (as). They also made Him
as their god. So neither they are from Isa (as) nor is Isa (as) from them. I
am the same way. If a group of our Shia loves us and says the same for
Us as the Jews said for Uzair (as) and the Christians said for Isa (as), then
I am not from them nor are they from Me.”
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said, “Our Rabb (Lord) is Allah. We always look
towards Him for assistance. Other than this you can describe Our
attributes in any way you wish.”
Moula Ali (as) said, “Be aware of “ghulu”. We are Allah‟s servants and His
Worshippers. Allah is Our Rabb (Lord). Apart from this, describe those
attributes given to Us by Allah as you wish.” (Haqaiqul Wasiyat First
Edition page 96-100)
In these five hadiths of Masoomeen (as), it has been clearly proven that “ghulu”
is only when you consider Masoomeen (as) as your Rabb (Lord) in such a way
that you have no other Rabb (Lord) other than Them. Apart from this, whatever
belief we have about Ahlul Bayt (as), it can never be considered as “ghulu”.
Masoomeen (as) Themselves said it does not matter how much we describe
Their attributes, but we will never find the limit of Their attributes or Their
boundaries. When we are not aware of the limit and
boundaries of Ahlul Bayt (as), then how is it possible to increase and go beyond
that limit?
Ghulu (Exaggeration) and Taqseer (Lowering the status of Ahlul Bayt as)
Apparently there are two opposite ideologies regarding Masoomeen (as). One
ideology is that They have full command over everything.
The other is that They are unable to do anything. This is the reason the
ideologies of ghulu (exaggeration) and taqseer (lowering the status of Ahlul Bayt
as) were established. Those who have the ideology that They have full command
over everything became ghalis (exaggerators). Those who have the ideology
They are unable to do anything became muqassir (defamators). These foolish
people could not understand that the reason Masoomeen (as) remained silent
and took no action against Their oppressors and lived Their worldly lives in a
state of such poverty was to show Their followers that They (Masoomeen as)
were servants of Allah.
If I say, in front of my teacher, I am an ignorant person, and it causes my children
to believe I am ignorant; it is nothing other than foolishness. If a person has a
limited ability to understand, and he himself is unable to understand the
teachings of any learned person, then when he relates any information, even if it
be the truth, he will relate it in such a way that no one will be able to understand it
in its true sense. For example, “Ghalib” (a very famous Urdu poet), he has been
considered as a poet whose writings are not understandable by the vast majority
of people. When people understood the true meanings of his poetry, they then
came to know he was a great poet. He was such a great poet that his poetry is
still being read and loved by the people of today. When the sayings of a human
are so difficult that every person is unable to understand them, then how will we
be able to understand the sayings of Allah and Masoomeen (as)? If you relate all
of those narrations which give Masoomeen (as) a high status to the ghalis, then it
is nothi ng but pure ignorance. This is why Imam Ri za (as) said, “When the
“ghalis” saw such servants of Allah (Ahlul Bayt as) who were blessed with such
supernatural abilities and used those abilities in such a way as to show the
people how to worship Allah, the ghalis took this in the wrong way and believed
Us to be Allah himself. When in reality, We are merely servants of Allah. Even
though Allah has blessed Us with full command over everything, still We were
showing people with Our ibadats (acts of worship) the greatness of Allah.”
(Haqaiqul Wasiyat First Edition page 104 ref. Ahtejaj Tibarsi)
On the other hand, there are such people who upon seeing the condemnation of
ghalis (exaggerators) in narrations became so afraid of becoming a ghali
themselves that they denied all those narrations which tell of the high status of
Masoomeen (as). They allowed their fear to become greater than their iman
(faith), and due to such weakening of iman, they became unable to accept that
such greatness could exist in the form of Masoomeen (as).
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
“A group of Our shia did taqseer (lowering one‟s status) in recognition of Us.” The
Imam (as) further said,” If Our shia ponders upon Quran, then certainly they
(shia) will never have any doubts in regards to Our attributes.” (Haqaiqul
Yaqeen Second Edition page 40).
As in regards to such people (muqassireen),
we will mention a few hadiths so that you will come to know what a great sin
taqseer (loweri ng one‟s status) is.
In Manaqib ibn Shahr Ashoob First Edition page no. 447, the author
says: We saw Jabir ibn AbdullAllah Ansari (ra) holding his walking stick
wondering the streets of Medina saying,“O‟ Ansarians (helpers)! Put the love of Ali(as) ibn Abi Talib (as) in your offspring.
One who will deny the attributes of Moula Ali (as) must look at his mother
(meaning he is an illegitimate offspring).”
(We must note that here the hadith is not referring to denying Moula Ali (as)
Himself. It is simply referring to the denial of His true attributes.)
In Yanabiul Muwaddat page 202, RasoolAllah (saw) said about Aimmah
(as), “Those people in my nation who will deny the attributes of My Ahlul
Bayt (as) and do not have any care as to Their relation to Me, there is only
destruction for those people. My intercession will never reach to such
In Najul Israr First Edition page 78, Ameerul Momineen (as) said, “One
who denies Our wilayat is a kafir (disbeliever). One who denies Our
attributes is also a kafir.”
In Manaqib ibn Shahr Ashoob Second Edition page no 119, Moula Ali
(as) said, “I swear by my Lord, anyone who will decrease Our attributes,
Allah will decrease his reward both in this world and in the hereafter.”
Masoomeen (as) never took notice of such so-called shias who were of a jealous
and envious nature or of those who were Shia by name only. These so called
shias are the same as the nasibis (enemies of Ahlul Bayt as). The friend is one
who even upon hearing a false admiration of his friend, he becomes happy. I
cannot understand what type of shia they are that they cannot bear to accept the
true attributes of Ahlul Bayt (as) which were given to Masoomeen (as) by Allah.
In Bihar ul Anwar Twelfth Edition page no. 614, Moula Ali (as) said; “Only
those true shias whose hearts are filled wi th Our love and whose intellect can
bear Our attributes can guard Our hadiths.”
It is really amazing that Masoomeen
(as) always hide Their true attributes. Despite of this, whatever attributes reach to
us, we still cannot accept them. Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) said, “We are afraid
the people will go astray because of Us and will consider Us as Allah.” Yet we
do not accept even those true attributes which are proven by narrations and
sayings of Masoomeen (as) Themselves.
The Worst Thing is Lowering the status of another not Exaggeration
Not a single person can deny that the beginning of sins and deviation began
the moment when shaitan refused to do sajdah (prostration) to Nabi Adam
(as). Now decide for yourself.
Did shaitan do ghulu (exaggeration) or taqseer (lowering one‟s status)? Did
he exaggerate the attributes of Nabi Adam (as) or did he decrease them? He
ignored the true recognition of Nabi Adam (as), and only looked at His (Nabi
Adam as) physical appearance. On the basis of his own qiyas (conjecture), shaitan thought he was greater than Nabi Adam (as). He (shaitan) became
the true reason of deviation in religion. So the story of Nabi Adam (as) is
enough for our proof. The beginning of deviation came from taqseer (lowering
one‟s status). The first muqassir (defamator) was Iblees, and after him, his
whole offspring. (this includes so called shias, ayatollahs, usoolis and all
enemies of Ahlul Bayt as)
Muqassireen (One Who Lowers the Status of Ahlul Bayt as)
Muqassireen (defamators) have a strange weapon in their hands. Whenever they
read or hear such hadiths in which Ahlul Bayt (as) introduce Their true attributes,
they (muqassireen) issue a fatwa (verdict) that the narrators of these hadiths
were “ghalis” (exaggerators). They use this excuse of “ghali” so that they will not
have to provide any proof to their followers, and their followers will simply accept
without using any of their own intellect and without insisting the scholars provide
proof of their claims. These people relate all the sayings of Masoomeen (as) to
“ghalis”. They insult Masoomeen (as) behind the cover of ghalis. It is amazing
that such people who in the enimity of Ahlul Bayt (as) have forgotten their own
ilm e rajjal.
Neither do they tell the names of these so called ghalis nor do they tell their
nation, their tribe, their time, or why such narrations were even narrated to begin
with. They do not give any sources to prove their claims. They only know of one
word which is ghulu (exaggeration). They tried to hide their defamation behind
the veil of exaggeration.
Even though there is not one word in those hadiths which is against the Oneness
of Allah.
These people do not ponder upon a very important point. If all these narrations
and sermons which tell the true attributes of Masoomeen (as) are unauthentic
and written by ghalis, then I make this challenge to all the so called ayatollahs to
bring even one sentence which is similar to those wonderful sayings which is
written in the sermons of Ahlul Bayt (as) where They Themselves are telling of
Their true attributes. I have no doubt that not one so called scholar will be able to
do such a thing. So it brings us to this point. If no one today is able to reproduce
such eloquent writings, then who actually wrote those so called unauthentic
sermons? It can only be the words of Masoomeen (as) because if it were the
words of any human, then it could easily be reproduced. A great scholar Syed
AbdullAllah Shah Abd writes in his wonderful book ―Al Ali Sultan un Naseera‖
on page 117, Ameerul Momineen (as) said, “Two kinds of people will go into hell
in regards to Me. The first kind is a ghali, one who loves Me in the wrong way.
The second kind is a muqassir, one who does not know Me and lowers My
status.” This saying proves that both ghalis and muqassir are regarded by
Masoomeen (as) in the same way. So we have to create criteria for both ghulu
and taqseer. Then we have to separate them from the narrations. After
understanding what is ghulu and taqseer and removing those two things from the
narrations, then from the remaining narrations, we will be able to find the true
attributes of Masoomeen (as). If people do not do this, then they cannot prove
what they are saying to be true because it will become possible to a label a true
momin as a ghali and a muqassir as a true momin. As well we also have to
correct the Quran. There are so many verses which were revealed in regards to
Ahlul Bayt (as), but the scholars have changed the tafseer of these verses so
that the truth of Ahlul Bayt (as) has become hidden from the people.
So it has been proved that anyone who will deny those narrations will become a
wahabi. The reason is that the wahabis also have these same invented beliefs
about Masoomeen (as) such as They are normal human beings who cannot do
anything. If one has such beliefs, then you automatically will not be shia
anymore. (the Imams (as) have said one with these beliefs is amongst Our
enemies). After this Shah Saheb said, “Masoomeen (as) never called
Themselves “Allah”. They always said, “We are servants of Allah.” First They
prayed to Allah and then described Their attributes. When the hearts of the
muqassireen do not believe these attributes, they immediately without proof say
these narrations are from ghalis. Due to this so called reason, these narrations
become unacceptable. Those narrators and scholars who brought these
attributes of Masoomeen (as) to us are the same scholars and narrators of
hadiths regarding the other aspects of Islam such as Islam, iman, usool e deen,
and furoo e deen. Muqassireen do not object to these narrations. They follow
them whole heartedly. If they truly consider those narrators to be ghalis and
kafirs, then why do they accept their narrations regarding other aspects of Islam?
This is a very strange thing that when these narrators describe the other aspects
of religion they are authentic, reliable and true, but when they describe the
attributes of Masoomeen (as), they become ghalis, kafirs, unauthentic,
unreliable, and untrue. So it has been proven that these narrators are not the
issue. In reality, these muqassir intentionally do not want to accept the true
attributes of Masoomeen (as) and use the excuse of “ghalis”. The rejection of
these narrations without proof is enough to prove one is a muqassir.
Our fifth Imam (as) (Imam Muhammad Baqir as) said, “I am amazed on those
who claim to be our friends, lovers, and followers, and consider Us as their
Imam, and obey Us the same way they obey Allah, but due to the weakness of
their intellect, they break their promise, oath, and allegiance to Us and become
their own enemy. They lower Our status. They accuse Us in front of those people
whom Allah has blessed with Our full recognition and who are in full obedience to
Us.” (Bihar ul Anwar First Edition page 114)
Who is worse, an exaggerator or one who lowers the status of Ahlul Bayt (as)?
We will not decide which is worse ourselves. We will prove this from the sayings
of Masoomeen (as) so that no one can have any objections to our decision. In
religious groups, it is a very common thinking that a muqassir can be forgiven but
a ghali cannot be. Where this type of thinking originated from, we have
absolutely no idea. But here are some hadiths of Masoomeen (as) which will
reveal the whole truth.
Quaid ul Sharia fi Aqaid Shia page no. 22 ref. Ahtejaj Tabrisi First
Edition page no. 77, in the Sermon of Ghadeer RasoolAllah (saw) said,
“O‟ People! I contain the Noor of Allah and after Me it will continue in Ali
and His offspring until Imam Mahdi (ajf) who will take the rights of Us and
Allah. Because Allah has declared it as a hujjah (proof) on all muqassireen (those
who lower the status of Ahlul Bayt as), rebels, opponents, untrustworthy
peoples, sinful peoples, and the oppressors throughout the whole world.”
If you had read this hadith carefully, you will know in this hadith RasoolAllah
(saw) mentioned “muqassireen” as first among His enemies. This was the last
sermon given by RasoolAllah (saw) and in it you will find absolutely no mention
of ghalis.
Quaid ul Sharia page no. 24 ref. Bihar ul Anwar Seventh Edition page
no. 275, Moula Ali (as) said, “Anyone who believes in My attributes is a
true momin. Anyone who doubts, hesitates in believing, or is surprised; he
is a muqassir and a nasibi (enemy of Ahlul Bayt as).”
You will notice that Moula Ali (as) declared both the muqassir and nasibis as one.
Quaid ul Sharia page no. 25 ref. Bihar ul Anwar Seventh Edition,
Imam Zainul Abideen (as) said, “These people are muqassireen. They are
not your friends. Jabir asked, “O‟ Son of RasoolAllah, who are the
muqassireen?” Imam (as) replied, “The people who are negligent in the
recognition of Aimmah (as) and those who are negligent in the matters of
commandments by Aimmah (as), then those people are the muqassireen.”
In the same book page no. 26 ref. Amarat ul Anwar page no. 81, Imam
Zainul Abideen (as) said, “One who neglects in the recognition of Aimmah
(as) is a muqassir. Even though he may believe in Our Imamate.”
Quaid ul Sharia ref. tafseer Noor ul Saqlain First Edition page no.
135, Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) said, “Ghalis will come back to Us. A
muqassir can only be related to Us through truth. Otherwise he will never
Quaid ul Sharia ref. Sahih Fatul Abrar Second Edition page no. 365,
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said, “Muqassireen are those who Allah blessed
with Our knowledge and guided them towards Us, but they doubted. One
who will become ghali in Our Love, we will return him back to Us. He will
become steadfast and accept Our obedience. When we will call the
muqassir to relate with Us and invite them to accept Our attributes, he will
never be steadfast and accept Our obedience nor will He relate to Us.
Nasibis are your (shias) enemies. Muqassireen are Our enemies.”
In the context of these hadiths, we want you to pay attention to one very
important point. The main principle of friendship is that a friend of a friend is your
The enemy of a friend is also your enemy. So it can be said without any doubt,
Masoomeen (as) consider Their shias as Their friends. Masoomeen (as) fulfill
Their friendship in such a way that They issued very strict orders against the
enemies of Their friends. We have been ordered, after shaking hands with a kafir
(disbeliever), to go and rub our hands on the wall. Because nasibis are the
enemies of shias, we have been ordered, after shaking the hand of a nasibis, to
go and wash our hands with water. Furthermore, if two people are dying of
hunger, one of them is a kafir (disbeliever ie Hindu, Buddhist, etc) and the other
is a nasibi, you are to feed the kafir first. Do not feed the nasibi. It clearly means
Masoomeen (as) were not as strict against Their own enemies as They were with
Their friends‟ enemies. I ask you a question. In this situation, is it not wajib on us
that we also fulfill our friendship towards Masoomeen (as) by condemning Their
enemies (Muqassireen) in the same way that Masoomeen (as) condemn our
I have invited you towards the truth. My invitation is for every person who claims
to be a friend of Masoomeen (as). I have told you the hadiths of Masoomeen (as)
regarding taqseer (lowering the status of another). Now the decision is in your
own hands. Now it is your duty to look around yourself and see who is trying to
divert you from the recognition of Masoomeen (as). (kashful aqaid)