Sunday, January 18, 2015

Muqassir In Wilayat Will Go To Hell

Imam Jafar Sadiq (s.a.) said: “More than this will be grieved (regretting) that person who collected wealth with many difficulties by putting him in dangers, and then spent it in charity and good works, spent his youth and power in Ibadaat and Salat, but did not believe in the Haqq of Ali ibne Abi Talib (s.a.), did not recognise his status and degree in Islam, and considered those people better who do not possess even tenth of tenth of Fazilat of Maola.

When proofs of Righteousness of Maola are presented to him, he hesitates. When proofs are presented in front of him from the Traditions and Quranic Verses, it rather increases his arrogance and ignorance. The grief and regret of such person will be more than all the people on the day of Qiyamah. He will be resurrected in such a condition that his charity will be chasing him in the form of snakes, pythons, and Angels of punishment, and his Salat and Ibadaat will convert into the Angels of Azaab (Punishment), until they will cast him in Hell and beat him. He will say: “Curse on me, was I not from among those who offer Salat? Was I not among those who give Zakaat? Was I not pious about wealth and ladies? For what reason I am caught in so much hardships and punishments?” He will be told: ‘Ill fated! Which deeds you did they are of no use to you, because you left the Great Obligation after believing in Tauheed of Allah and Nabuwat of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.); and that Inevitable Obligation is Marifat of Haqq of Ali ibne Abi Talib (s.a.). Along with it you made obligatory on you such thing which Allah declared Haraam, and that is to follow the enemies of Allah.

In such a situation, you can not get anything except distance from Rahmat of Allah, and nearness to wrath & anger of Allah, even if instead of your these deeds Ibadaat of all the world, and instead of your charities the wealth of all the world, rather more deeds than those mentioned, and gold equal to planet Earth is given in the way of Allah.”
(Tafseer Imam Hassan Askari s.a.)

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