Sunday, January 18, 2015

On Growing Beard and Trimming Or Cutting Moustaches:

It is narrated by Ibn-e-Massoud that Prophet Mohammad (saww), said:
when Hazrat Adam (as) was feeling low Allah azwj sent Hazrat Jibraeil (as)
to (cheer him up). Jibraeil said: I am a messenger of Allah and
Allah Wishes you a long and cheerful life. (Upon hearing this)
Adam went into prostration and then lifted his head towards skies
and prayed: O Lord! Make me more graceful. In the morning, the
next day, upon touching his face with his hands, Hazrat Adam felt
a heavily grown black beard. Upon feeling it, Hazrat Adam said:
Allah What is this? Allah replied: This is beard, the beauty for
you and your sons to come until the day of resurrection. (Bihar V 73 P 379 Ilaloshraya V2 P 379)

Rasool Allah (saww) said shaving beard is an act of mutilation and one
incites Allah (azwj) ‘s curse by shaving his beard. (Mustadrak Ul Wasail Vol 1 Hadees No 1003)

Rasool Allah (saww) said that I have been asked by my Lord to grow
my beard and cut my moustaches (Mustadrak Ul Wasail, Vol 1, Hadees No 1004)

It is narrated from a chain of narrators that Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (asws)
quoted on behalf of Amir-ul-moumaneen (asws) that if someone
shaves his beard and it does not grow again then there is ‘Blood
Money’ on him but if his beard grows again then he should pay out one third of the ‘Blood Money. (AL-KAFI .V-7.PG-316, FAQI V.4 P.150,TAHZEEB V 10 P.250)

Hazrat Abu Abdullah (asws) said: Blood money is ten thousand
Dirhams or one thousand Dinars. Jamil said that Abu
Abdullah (asws) said the blood money is equivalent to the price
of one hundred camels. (AL-KAFI V-7 P-272. TAHZEEB V-10 P-160)

The Messenger of Allah (saww) said: The Majoosi (A nation who disobeyed Allah and were destroyed by Allah’s wrath.) shave their beards,
and grow their moustaches and we trim our Moustaches, and grow
our beards. (Mustadrak Ul Wasail, Vol 2, Hadees No 1659)

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