Saturday, January 10, 2015


“Have you not seen that how Allah described the example of Kalima Tayyiba, its example is like Shajarah Tayyiba, whose root is firm in the earth and its branches are in the sky and it is giving fruit all the time with the order of its Rabb. Allah describes these examples so that people can take advice.” (Qur'an 14:24,25)

Kalima Tayyiba is same (unchanged) from Azal to Abad: La ilaha illallah Mohammadur Rasool Allah Ali un Wali Ullah, which is mentioned clearly in verses no 24 & 25 of Surah Ibraheem:
حدثنا الحسن بن موسى الخشاب عن عمرو بن عثمان عن محمد بن عذافر عن اب حمزة الثمالى عن اب جع رِ عليه
السلَم قال س لِته عن قول الله تعالى شجرة طيبة اصلها ثابت وفرعها ف السماء تؤتى اكلها كل حين باذن ربها فقال
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انا اصلها وعلى فرعها والْ مِة اغصانها وعلمنا ثمرها وشيعتنا ورقها يا ابا حمزة
هل ترى فيها فضلَ قال قلت لا والله لا ارى فيها قال فقال يا ابا حمزة والله ان المولود يولد من شيعتنا فتورق ورقة
منها ويموت فتسقط ورقة منها.
Narrated to us Al-Hassan Bin Musa Al-Khashaab, from Amro Bin Usman, from Muhammad Bin Azaafar, from Abu Hamza Al-Thumaly who reported:
‘I asked Abu Ja’far (asws) about the Words of Allah (azwj) the High [Quran 14:24] Have you not considered how Allah Sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in the sky [Quran 14:25] Yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord?’ He (asws) said: ‘Rasool-Allah (saww) said: ‘I am its origin (root), and Ali (asws) its trunk, and the Imams (asws) are its branches, and our knowledge is its fruit, and our Shiites are its leaves. O Abu Hamza! Do you see in it virtues?’ I said, ‘No, by Allah, I cannot see in it.’ He (asws) said: ‘O Abu Hamza, by Allah, when a baby is born to our Shias a leaf is added on to it and when he dies, a leaf falls from it.’ (Basaair Al Darajaat – P 2 Ch 2 H 2...Tafseer Of Abu Hamza Al Sumali - Hadeeth No. 166)

How Allah can give more clear description of Kalima Tayyiba than this i.e. Kalima Tayyiba comprises of whole Shajarah Tayyiba (Holy family tree). This Shajarah Tayyiba is firmly rooted in the Land of Tauheed, its root is Rasool Allah (sawaw) , its stem is Maola Ali (asws), its branches are Aima Masumeen (asws), and fruit is the knowledge of Masumeen (asws) which is continuously being bestowed. So it is not necessary for any Usuli Mujtahid to issue his Fatawa. Imam Qaim (asws) is definitely enough for the guidance of all the creations, bestowing knowledge to the seekers. Our young generation should keep in mind that meaning of Kalima Tayyiba, Kalima Tauheed, Kalima tat Taqwa, Kalima Shahadat, Tashahud, Kalima Baqiya, Kalima Lazim and, Qawl e Sabit is the same i.e. testimony of Tauheed of Allah, Risalat of Mohammad e Mustafa (sawaw), and Walayat of Aima Masumeen (asws): Ash’hadu un la ilaha illallahu Wahdahu la sharika lahu wa ash’hadu unna Mohammadan Abduhu wa Rasoolu wa ash’hadu unna Aliyan Wali Ullah wa Aoladahul Masumeena Hujjatullah (Salwatullah alaihim ajmaeen). And this Kalima with “Aliun Wali Ullah” Allah wrote on everything of the Universe: Allah wrote it on Arsh, on Kursi, on Laoh-e-Mehfooz, on the foreheads and the wings of the Angels, on the skies, on strata of the earth, on the tops of mountains, on the sun, on the moon, on the airs, on the waters. And then Allah said: O My Habeeb (sawaw), whenever someone says “ La ilaha illallah Mohammad ur Rasool Allah” immediately should say “Ali Amirul Momineen” (al-Ehtijaj, vol 1, p 365) There are numerous proofs of this Kalima Tayyiba from Azal, e.g. Biharul Anwaar, vol 10, p 125 & vol 3, p 135. Amali Sheikh Sudooq vol 2, p 530. Uyoon e Akhbar e Raza (asws) vol 1, p 536. Remember carefully, the Kalima of all the Prophets (a.s.) was also the same Kalima: La ilaha illallah Mohammad ur Rasool Allah Ali un Wali Ullah... -  Wa Salaam!

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