Monday, January 5, 2015

Not all those who call themselves Shia are going to be saved on Judgment Day

Shia will be divided into 13 groups, 12 will be sent to Hell and only ONE will be saved. Imam Ali peace be upon him said:
“Oh People! The Jews were divided into 71 groups, 70 will be sent to Hell and one to Paradise. This is the group that followed Joshua bin Noon;
Christians will be divided into 72 groups, 71 will perish in Hell and one will be saved. This is the group that followed Simon the Disciple.
Muslims will be divided into 73 groups, 72 will be sent to Hell and one to Paradise. This is the group that followed ME and he pointed to his chest”. He added: “13 groups of those 73 groups would pretend to follow and love ME. Only ONE of those 13 groups will end up in Paradise and 12 will go to Hell. This is the middle part group”.  (Sheikh Al Tousi in Al Amali page 524...Kitab-e-Sulaim, p 169...al-Ehtijaj v 1, p 625 by 6th century Shia scholar Allama Abu Mansoor Ahmad bin Ali Tabrasi...It is also mentioned in Nehjul Israr  v 21, p 300)

Many Shia sects are mentioned in history, but according to fundamental difference in faith, thirteen Shia sects are:

1- Shian-e-Maola Ali asws. The Shia Asna Ashri Imami sect, the True religious sect
2- Al-Ghulaat. They have different names like Sabaiya, Nuseriya, Alvi, who believe Maola Ali asws is the real Allah.
3- Khawarij. They denied the order of Masoom Imam asws, and became against Imam asws by doing Ijtihad themselves by logical reasoning, although they were apparently very pious people.
4- Al-Kaisania. They believe that Hazrat Mohammad Hanafiya (a.s.) is their Imam and he will re-appear.
5- Zaidiya. They believe that Hazrat Zaid bin Ali (a.s.) is Imam, and it is not necessary for Imam to be infallible, whoever from the holy Aal rises would be Imam.
6- Qutbia. They believe until Imam Baqir asws only and believe in his Raj’at.
7- Isma’eli, Fat’hiya or Ammariya. Isma’eli (Mubarkia) believe in Imamat of Isma’el bin Imam Jafar asws, Fat’hiya in Imamat of Abdullah bin Imam Jafar asws, and Ammariya in Mohammad bin Imam Jafar asws. In short they all stop at Imamat of Imam Jafar Sadiq asws.
8- Waqifah. They stop at Imamat of Imam Musa Kazim asws. Mamtooriya sect is also their offshoot.
9- Qat’eya. They stop at Imamat of Imam Ali Raza asws.
10- One sect stops at Imamat of Imam Hassan Askari asws, and they believe Janab Jafar as Hadi. The name of this sect is not clearly mentioned in history.
11- Mufawwiza. They believe that Allah has completely handed over Khalq & Amr to Masumeen asws, and He is free Himself.
12- Najariya & Hallajiya. These are such Shias who proclaimed Imamat for themselves.
13- Usooli Ijtihadi Shia. They founded their sect in 4th century by introducing Ijtihad in Deen.
(Syyed Nemat Ullah Jazairi - Anwar-e-Numania in volume 2...Dr. Alsyyed Abu Mohammad Naqvi,)


A man stood up from the public. He (first) greeted, then said,

‘By Allah, O Amir-ul- Momineen (asws), I am on the Religion of Allah by your Wilayah, and I love you in secret just as I love you in the open’.

Imam Ali (as) said to him: ‘You are lying, for, by Allah, I do not recognise your name in the names, nor your face in the
faces, and that your clay is from other than that clay’.
The man sat down. Allah had Exposed and Humiliated him.

Then another one stood up and said, ‘O Amir-ul-Momineen (asws), I am on the Religion of Allah by your Wilayah, and I love you in secret just as I love you in the open’.

He (as) said to him: ‘You speak the truth. Your clay is from that clay, and you are on our Wilayah. A covenant was taken from you, and that your soul is from the souls of the believers. Take poverty to be your outfit, for, by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, I heard the Rasool Allah (sawaws) say that: ‘The poverty comes to those that love us faster than the flow of the stream from the high valley to its base’. (Basaair-Al-Darajaat Fi Fazaail Al-e-Muhammad (ASWS) -  V8 Chapter 8)

Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from Ibrahim Bin Abdullah Al-Sufy from Musa Bin Bakr Al-Wasity who said: Imam Ali (a.s) said to me: ‘If I were to distinguish my Shias I would not find them except for description (talk). And if I were to test them, I would not find them except as apostates. And if I were to scrutinize them not even one out of a thousand would escape. And if I were to screen them with a screening, there would not remain from them except the one who was for me. They have been saying for a long time, leaning upon their couches, "‘We are the Shias of Ali!"’. But rather, the Shiite of Ali (a.s) is the one who is truthful in both his actions as well as his words’.
(Source: Al Kafi. Vol, 8 H 14738. Pg. # 16)

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