Wilayat-e-Taqween of Masoomeen (as) is prooved from various Hadees and rejecting the Hadees of Masoom (as) is like rejecting the Masoom (as) which is Kufr. (As per Hadees of Masoom).
The Imam or the divine representative is needed not merely for the dissemination of the rules of the Shariah and their compliance. That is, his duty is not confined only to the guidance of the world but the whole creation depends upon him for their existence. If Imam ceases to exist, the entire system would collapse. It is related from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) that he stated, "If Imam (A.S.) is absent from the world even for a moment, the earth would suck in all its inhabitants like the stormy sea drowns the seafarers. " (Ghaibat-e-Nomani, p. 139, Chap. 8, Hadith No. 10)
Nearly all Muslims are unanimous in their belief that the world has been created for the sake of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and his purified progeny (A.S.). A well-known Hadith-e-Qudsi is that the Almighty Allah told the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) "But for you I would not have created the skies."
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from abu ‘Abdallah al-Razi from al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn abu Hamza from his father from abu Basir who has said the following. "Once I asked abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.), ‘Is there any Zakat on Imam?’" He said, "O abu Muhammad, you have spoken an impossible word. Do you not know that both this and the next world belong to the Imam? He can place them as he may want or give them to whoever he may want. It is permissible for him from Allah. The Imam said, O abu Muhammad, the Imam never spends a night without Allah‘s right on him for which He would not ask him."(Al - kafi:H , Ch. 105, h 4:)
A couple of Hadees from Al-Kaafi - The book on Oneness of Allah (Swt) - which clearly highlight the Authority vested by Allah(swt) in the Holy Ahlul Bait(as).
And some of the actions which are referred to Allah (swt) are in deed performed by the Holy Ahlul Bait (as).
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn from Muhammad ibn Isma‘il ibn Bazi‘a from his uncle, Hamza ibn Bazi‘a from abu ‘Abd Allah (DivineSupremeCovenantBody) who has said the following.
So when they angered Us, We punished them, and drowned them all.(Quran 43:55)
"Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, does not become frustrated the way we do. But He has created friends for His-Own-self who become frustrated and at times happy. They are created. They worship (Allah). He has designed their happiness to be His Own happiness and their anger as His-Own anger. It is because He has assigned them to guide people to Him and serve as proof of His existence. For this reason such conditions belong to them. This (anger) does not reach Allah the way it reaches people. The meaning is what just mentioned. He has also said, "Whoever would humiliate My friends such people have declared war against Me with challenge." He has also said, "One who obeys the Messenger has certainly obeyed Allah . . .." (4:80) "Those who pledge obedience to you are, in fact, pledging obedience to Allah." "The hands of Allah are above their hands . . .." (48:10). All of these and other similar cases mean what I just said. The same is the case with anger and happiness and other such matters. Had it been possible for frustration and anger to reach Allah one could have said that one-day Allah would vanish altogether. It is because if anger and frustration would reach Him changes also would take place in Him and, thus, He will not remain safe from banishment. As a result, there would exist no distinction between the created and the Creator, between the Almighty and those subject to such might and power. No distinction would exist between the created and the Creator. Allah is far above such things, and is the Most High and Most Great. He is the Creator of all things not because he needed them. If it would be without the need then it would be impossible to limit Him with limits and conditions. Note this if Allah would will it to be so."(H 363, Ch. 23, h11 Al-Kaafi - The book on Oneness of Allah (Swt))
So this is the final stage of wilayat (Wilayat e Illahiya Muttaliqa (Absolute Wilayat of Allah))
"O ye who believe! Fear Allah and search for a Wasila (mediation) towards Him and strive hard in His way that you may be successful."(Quran 5:35)
In order to make a connection between two things which cannot be directly connected to each other, we must have some third thing to connect those first two. That third thing is called wasila(mediation or Intercession). For example, water and fire cannot connect to each other. In order to heat the water by fire we must have a third thing which is a pot which is connected to the fire on one side and the water on the other. It takes heat from the fire and gives to the water. Any connection between Creator and creation is absolutely impossible. Therefore without any doubt there is an absolute need for a wasila. All the blessings of Allah can only reach to the creation through that wasila. There are two kinds of blessings which come from the Creator to the creation; fard e tashrie and fard e taqwini. The orders which come from Allah to His creation is called fard e tashrie. Whatever benefits come from the Creator to His creation is called fard e taqwini. For example, life, health, rizq, children etc. This is why there are prophets and messengers because the creation is unable to receive orders directly from Allah so they must be some form of wasila to give these orders to the creation. Likewise the creation cannot also receive these fard e taqwini directly from Allah. There must also be a wasila. That wasila must be different from whatever two things it connects. As in the above example, the pot which is the wasila is different from the two things it is connecting, fire and water. So that wasila which is between Allah and His creation will not be like Allah nor will He be like creation. Two words are used for wasila; hijab (Veil) and barzakh. There are uncountable processes which could be found throughout the universe which occur spontaneously on different occasions which are absolute vital to the survival of the universe. Likewise there are uncountable veils or wasilas between Creator and creation, and every veil is dependent upon the one before it until this process reaches to the last veil where there is no third thing between this veil and Allah. This veil is not dependent upon any other thing except Allah. Allah has ordered us in regards to this Hijab , “In order to turn towards Allah search for a specific wasila”. So the purpose of our life is to search for this last Veil. When we find it then we must attach ourselves to this wasila. We will ask the Prophet of Allah to tell us who that last Veil is for whom there is nothing between Him and Allah and is directly related to Allah. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “There is no veil between Allah and Ali (asws) and Ali (asws) is a veil between Allah and His creation”. It has been clearly proven from this hadith beyond any doubt that Moula Ali (asws) is that last Veil and there is no veil between Moula Ali (asws) and Allah. Whatever Ali (asws) gets, He does so directly from Allah, and everyone else obtains it through Moula Ali (asws) regardless if it’s life, health, rizq, children, prophet hood, imamate, or wilayat. Moula Ali (asws) is the absolute and only one who blesses everyone (Kitab Sulaim bin Qais page no 275). Imam Muhammad Baqir (asws) said, “Allah made Ali (asws) as a sign between Him and His creation. One who gains His marifat is a momin. One who denies is a kafir. One who remains ignorant (one who does not gain marifat) has gone astray. One who includes something with Him is a mushrik (polytheist)”.(Usool e Kafi Kitab e Iman o Kufr chapter 293 hadith) Through this hadith, every person can examine for himself and know what his status is. We also learn from this hadith that the real shirk is when someone includes another in the wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (asws).
It is quite clear that we will gain the marifat of Allah through His attributes because it is impossible to gain His marifat through His zaat (essence). You cannot even recognize an ant by his zaat. We will also recognize it through its attributes. So it is absolutely impossible to recognize Allah through His essence. We will recognize Allah through those attributes which are apparent (zahir). No one can be recognized through his hidden (batin) attributes. This is why the attributes of Allah must be apparent (zahir). When they are apparent, then anyone who claims to find fault in these attributes in reality is claiming that Allah Himself has some fault. Now that we have brought you to this point you must begin to understand that the very first attribute which was made apparent and through which Allah could be recognized was the attribute of wilayat. All of His other attributes are under wilayat. So the one who will be the apparent manifestation of His “Ism al Wali” must therefore possess all of His other attributes as well. Then we must believe the Mahzer of Allah is also a Khaliq (Creator), Rizzaq (Sustainer), Mohi (One who gives Life), Mumit (One who brings Death to the Living), Ghafar (All Forgiving), and Sattar (One who covers sins). Anyone who will deny the Mahzer of Allah possesses these attributes has in reality denied Allah. We cannot associate any attribute or action with Allah because action means to change from one state into another, and change of state can never be associated with Allah. Creation, distributing rizq, merciful, and lordship are actions which cannot be associated with Allah. The Wali ul Muttaliq (absolute wali) of Allah performs all of these acts. Whatever action is done by the Wali ul Muttaliq is called as “the action of Allah”. We believe that Allah is our Creator, gives us rizq (sustenance), is merciful, is our Lord because all of these acts have been revealed through His “Ism al Wali”. Allah cannot be recognized or believed in without wilayat. The reality of tauheed is wilayat. Gaining the marifat of wilayat is gaining the marifat of tauheed. You must remember that wilayat of Allah is associated with the wilayat of Moula Ali (asws). Allama Dastghayab writes in his book “Wilayat”, “Wilayat of Moula Ali (asws) and the wilayat of Allah are one and the same”. This sentence of Allama Dastghayab is a translation of a saying by Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) which can be found in Usool e Kafi in which Imam (asws) says “Our wilayat is the wilayat of Allah”. In this regard we shall present more proofs for you.
There Al-Walayat (the protection, power, authority and kingdom) will be for Allah (Alone), the Al Haq. He (Allah) is the Best for reward and the Best for the final end. (Quran 18:44)
In the tafseer of this ayah Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) says “This is the wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (asws)” (Usool e Kafi).
Allama Majalisi narrates a hadith of RasoolAllah (saw); “People asked RasoolAllah (saw), “O’RasoolAllah, who is the wali?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “Ali (asws) is your wali in this time. After Him, His successor (11 Imams as).”(Haqooqul Yaqeen Second Volume page no 75,)
RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Allah has associated Me with prophet hood and My Ahlul Bayt (asws) with wilayat”.(Umdatul Mattalib First Edition page no 433,)
Now you must know that absolute wilayat is associated with Moula Ali (asws) and the Offspring of Moula Ali (asws). People have always been confused regarding what is wilayat because all of the attributes and actions of Allah are revealed through wilayat. If you have a look at the miracles of RasoolAllah (saw), they are around 10,000 in numbers. If you compare this with the miracles of Ameerul Momineen (asws), then you will see the number of miracles associated with Moula Ali (asws) are very few. However even though the miracles of RasoolAllah (saw) are greater in numbers, there still is not one single person who has claimed that RasoolAllah (saw) is Allah while in every era there are great numbers of people who claim Moula Ali (asws) is Allah. We must reflect upon this point that there is something inside of Moula Ali (asws) which causes the people to consider Him to be Allah. We have already told you what is that thing which causes the people do this. All of the attributes and actions of Allah are revealed through His Wali e Muttaliq so the people who believe in apparent actions only begin to believe Moula Ali (asws) is Allah because Allah has been apparently manifested through His Wali e Muttaliq, Imam Ali (asws). However in reality, Moula Ali (asws) is not Allah. He is the Hujjat ul Allah (proof of Allah).
“Moula Ali (as) has all the same attributes as the Oneness of Allah, and He has full command over all of those attributes. He also has full command over the whole of creation of Allah, but He never revealed these attributes in their full detail to the people because these attributes in their full sense can only be known and seen by Allah."(A.Khoemeni writes about this point in his book ―Misbah ul Hadaya Ala Calipha wa Wilaya page no. 53:)
[Note that the Belief in Wilayat-e-Taqweeni of AhleBait (as) is different from the belief in “Tafweez”. Wilayat-e-Taqweeni does not mean that Allah (swt) has handed over the affairs of the universe to AhleBait (as) and has himself become away from the affairs of the universe. ]
It is on this basis that Allah (swt) says to Prophet Isa (as):
(Remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection). "O 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Remember My Favour to you and to your mother when I supported you with Ruh-ul-Qudus [Jibrael (Gabriel)] so that you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and when I taught you writing, Al-Hikmah (the power of understanding), the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel); and when “تَخْلُقُ - You Created” out of the clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My Permission, and you breathed into it, and it became a bird by My Permission, and you healed those born blind, and the lepers by My Permission, and when you brought forth the dead by My Permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from you (when they resolved to kill you) since you came unto them with clear proofs, and the disbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.' "(Quran 5:110)
In the above ayah Allah (swt) used the word “تَخْلُقُ - You Created” for Prophet Isa (as). But as is obvious it is with the Will and Permission of Allah (swt).
Same is the case of the angel of death taking the souls. See verses of the Holy Quran below:
It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death. [Quran39:42]
Say: "The Angel of Death, put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls: then shall ye be brought back to your Lord. [Quran32:11]
So we see that in one verse Allah (swt) says that he is taking the souls of men and at some places Allah (swt) says that the angel of death takes the souls of men. This is not a contradiction in the Holy Quran. This indicates that since the angel of death is appointed by Allah (swt) hence the act of taking the souls which is actually done by the angel of death is referred to be an act done by Allah (swt).
For this very scenario below is what A.Khomenei says in his book Sharh-e-Arbaeen Hadees No. 30:
“The Angel of Death is in charged with taking life and his taking of life is not something like the fulfillment of prayer, and Israfil is in charged with the giving of life, which is not of the nature of a prayer answered, and these actions do not fall under invalid tafwid. In the same way, if a perfect Wali and a potent pure soul-such as the spirits of the prophets and the Awliya's are-were to have the power to annihilate and create, to cause death and give life, a power given to them by God, the Exalted, it would not be an instance of impossible tafwid and should not be considered invalid.”
The Same is the case of Wilayat-e-Taqwini of the AhlulBait (as). There are more similar verses of the Holy Quran in which Allah (swt) has taken the acts of Prophet Muhammad (saww) and AhlulBait (as) to be his acts.
Now with the Background of the Above aayats read the Following Hadees of Imam Az Zaman (atfs).
ونحن صنائع ربنا، والخلق بعد صنائعنا
“We are the Work (Creations) of Allah and rest of the creations are our Work"[Ref: Al Gaibah - Sheikh Tusi, Ahtejaj Tabrisi and Bihar ul Anwar].
So Allah (swt) the 'Best Creator’ أَحْسَنَ الْخَالِقِينَ created the Best of All creations i.e. Muhammad (saww) & his Progeny (as). And the AhleBait (as) created the rest.
Alhamdulillah this Hadees is verified by not one but Many Ayahs of the Holy Quran.
Now that Wilayat-e-Taqweeni of Masoom (as) has been proved from the Quran and Hadees nothing else is required, we still provide the quotation of Ulama-e-Haq regarding Wilayat-e-Taqweeni.
A.Abul Qasim Khoi in his book "Sharh-el-Urwatul-Wuthqa" Vol.3 Pg.74 says:
"There are some people who do not believe Amir-Al-Momineen (as) and other Imam's (as) to be God but believe that the Imam's (as) are the most beloved and closest to Allah (swt) and hence give Rizq (sustenance) to the creations of Allah (swt) and also believe that it is Allah (swt) who is true sustainer (Raziq). This is similar to the case of angel of death being the one who gives death, the angel of rain sending down rainfall, Prophet Isa (as) giving life to the dead with the will/permission of Allah (swt) as has come in the Holy Quran. Having such a belief is not Kufr and is not a rejection of any belief of Shiasm. In fact as defined above the belief of Imam's (as) being the "Creator - خالق" and "Sustainer - رازق" is not wrong and is not exaggeration (غلو) and also there is no alternative but to accept this."
A.Jafar Behr-ul-Uloom says:
"The Imam's (as) are the means and medium between us and Allah (swt) because we cannot directly connect with Allah (swt) and are away from Allah (swt) due to our Sins. And hence we require such representatives which along with having Human characteristics also have the characteristics of Allah (swt). [Ref: Tohfat-ul-Aalim Vol.1 Pg.4]
A.Khoemeni writes about the following Ayat in his book ―Misbah ul Hadaya Ala Calipha wa Wilaya page no. 53:
“Moula Ali (as) has all the same attributes as the Oneness of Allah, and He has full command over all of those attributes. He also has full command over the whole of creation of Allah, but He never revealed these attributes in their full detail to the people because these attributes in their full sense can only be known and seen by Allah."
I believe that this topic has been covered up sufficiently and Wilayat-e-Taqweeni of Imam's (as) stands proven from all possible sources. Wassalam
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