Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Khutba regarding the Attributes and Signs of a Momin

Once while Moula Ali (asws) was delivering a sermon, when a very pious and knowledgeable man said. “O’Ameerul Momineen (asws)! Describe the attributes of a momin in such a way we can see it before our eyes.” Moula Ali (asws) said, O’Hamam! A momin (believer) is one who is wise and of great intellect. His face shines with the light of iman (faith). He has a very kind heart. He never follows his desires. Worldly matters have absolutely no value to him. He is selfish only regarding doing good deeds. He is neither jealous nor envious of others. He never puts himself in any dispute. He does not backbite. He never tells a lie. His whole life will be filled with sufferings and hardships. He never compromises his commitments. Mostly he remains silent. He has great respect for others. He never exposes his anger. He is always busy in the remembrance of Allah. He is always patient. When he remembers the day of judgment, sadness comes in his heart. He is always happy in his poverty. He has a very kind nature and gentle heart. He never breaks his word. He never hurts any other person nor does he accuse anyone. He never speaks ill of others. If he laughs, his voice can barely be heard. If he is angry, he keeps his patience. He is always in search of knowledge. When he consults someone, it is only for the sake of knowledge. His knowledge is great. He is very merciful. He is not miserly. He is not impatient with others. He does not feel sadness due to worldly matters. He is never proud. Neither does he oppress others nor does he oppress his own self (nafs). He bears sufferings with great bravery and his nafs (self) becomes harder than stone. In order to find the rizq (sustenance), he struggles like a honey bee. He does not do for himself. He does only for others. Greed is far from him. He does not usurp the rights of others. He does not desire any matter in this world. He is extremely polite. He is not overbearing. He keeps himself far away from the worldly affairs. If he feels anger, he remains just. If someone asks any favor from him, he does not refuse them. His mood is always calm. He never speaks ill of others nor does he burden them. He has a true love. He never breaks his promise. He always fulfills his oath. He is kind with others. He is always ready to give help to others. He lives his life in such a way that others do not miss him when he is not present. He does not speak often. He has command over his desires. He is always content with what he has. He does not behave harshly with those younger than him. He does not ponder upon those things which will not increase his iman. He is a helper of the religion. He helps all Momineen. He provides shelter to Muslims. He does not like to be praised. He is not affected by greediness. Shaitan’s words have no effect upon his iman. Ignorance is unaware of his knowledge. He is a defender of the true religion. His whole life is devoted to religion. He is neither abusive nor aggressive with others. He is very sincere with his friends. He spends from his wealth wisely. He is not deceitful. He is not a traitor. He does not reveal the faults of others.  When he hears someone is in need, he will give all he has. He is a helper to the poor and a remover of their sufferings. He does not favor the tyrant. His life is filled with hardships but he never voices a word of complaint. If he sees any good, he spreads it. If he sees any bad, he hides it. He watches over the faults of others. He is always forgiving of any wrong done to him. He advises the people about their wrong doings. He is very trustworthy and very pious.  People are always pleased with him. He makes friends for the sake of Allah and has no relations with the enemies of Allah. Happiness and comfort do not distract him from the way of Allah. He warns the people regarding the Day of Judgment. He teaches the ignorant. He has no fear of suffering or hardships. Struggling in the way of Allah is the most important aspect of his life. He does not consider himself superior to others. He always remembers his own faults. He thinks of nothing except the day of judgment. He trusts no one except Allah. He lives his life in this world as if he is a traveler. He likes to be alone. The day of judgment brings him sadness. He loves the friends of Allah. He fights (jihad) in the way of Allah. If anyone oppresses him, he does not take revenge; instead he leaves the matter to Allah. He has no relations with the enemies of Allah. He loves the poor. He likes to sit amongst the people who speak only truth. He is a helper of trustworthy people. He is a helper of his relatives. He is the father of orphans. He is the husband of widows. He is very kind to those who are filled with sufferings. Everyone who is facing any hardship or difficulty will find him to be a friend. He is the hope of the people in trouble. He stands firmly on the path of deen (religion). He has control over his anger. He can always be seen smiling and is always discreet. He does not like misery. When people show their impatience regarding the usurpation of their rights, he remains patient. He stays away from all evils. He is “haya” (chaste). He overcomes his desires. He does not allow feelings of envy to overcome his love. He does not speak other than truth. His dress is plain. He walks with humility. He is obedient to Allah. He does not complain regarding any matter. His intentions are pure. His ibadat (acts of worship) are not for the people. Thinking of the Day of Judgment brings comfort to his heart. He is the best of advisers. He spends generously in the way of Allah. He keeps the people united. He gives advice to the people openly and in secret. He does not leave his momin brother alone. He does not backbite his momin brother and never cheats him. When he loses something, he does not mourn its loss. When he finds himself in difficulty, he does not get sad. He does not run after those things which are haram (unlawful). Sufferings do not divert him from his Lord. He gains knowledge and patience from his intellect. If you will see him, you will find him far away from this world. He always remains joyous. He will be close to iman (faith) and far away from evils. He is prepared for the death. Iman fills his heart and his thoughts are filled by his Lord. He fights against ignorance. The day of judgement will be easy for him. The constant remembrance of his sins brings him great sorrow. He will overcome all his worldly desires. He will be an example of morality to others. His neighbor will be content with him. Arrogance will never come near him. He is thankful for all Allah has given to him. His patience is complete. His iman is strong. He does not feel pride upon the conveyance of his knowledge. He does not speak to others in order to show off his intellect. He lives his life in hardships, but makes others’ lives comfortable. If anyone persecutes him, he remains patient and hopes Allah will take his revenge either in this world or on the Day of Judgment. He does not involve himself in the disputes of others. He only gets close to others for their benefit. If he stays far from the people, it is not due to arrogance or a feeling of superiority. If he meets with the people, it is only in the way of Allah. He follows those momins who were before him. He is the leader of those momins who will come after him. After hearing Moula Ali (asws) say all of this, Hamam screamed and fell dead on the spot. Moula Ali (asws) said, “I swear by My Lord, I knew this would happen to Hamam.” Then Moula Ali (asws) said, “This is the effect My words will have upon every momin who listens the same way Hamam was listening.” A man stood up and said, “O’Ameerul Momineen (asws)! What have you done?” Moula Ali (asws) replied, “There is a time of death for every person which can neither be decreased nor increased. There is also a reason for death for every person. Keep quiet O’Blasphemor! Shaitan has whispered to you. This is why you have said those words.” (Mustadriq page no. 68 and Usool e Kafi Second Edition chapter no. 99 )

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