Saturday, August 10, 2013


'O Allah, carry us in the ships of Thy deliverance, give us to enjoy the pleasure of whispered prayer to Thee, make us drink at the pools of Thy love, let us taste the sweetness of Thy affection and nearness, allow us to struggle in Thee, preoccupy us with obeying Thee, and purify our intentions in devoting works to Thee, for we exist through Thee and belong to Thee, and we have no one to mediate with Thee but Thee!' (Imam Sajjad ('A); Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya)

'O Allah(azwj), fill my heart with love for You, concern about You, affirmation of and belief in Your existence, fear from You and longing toward You, O Glorious, O Magnanimous. 'O Allah, make me love meeting You, and such meeting to be good, merciful, and full of blessings, join me with the virtuous and do not leave me behind with the wicked ones. Join me with the virtuous of the past and those to come, lead me on the path of virtuous ones, assist me against my soul by that with which You assist the virtuous ones against their souls, do not turn me in the evil from which You want to rescue me, 'O Allah(azwj) of the worlds. I plead before You for a belief free of timing before meeting You, with which You will Keep me living, Cause me to die, and raise me up with it when You will resurrect me.
Free my heart from showing-off, desire for popularity, and doubt in Your religion. ‘O Allah, give me victory in Your religion, energy to worship, understanding of Your creatures, support me twice with Your kindness (in this life and hereafter), brighten my face with Your light, make me interested in what is with You, cause me to die in Your way and in Your religion, the religion of Your Messenger(saww).
‘O Allah, I seek protection against laziness, old age, cowardice, stinginess, carelessness, hardheartedness, weakness, and destitution.
I seek protection with You, 'O Allah against a soul that does not become satisfied, the heart that does not become humble, the supplication that is not heard, and the prayer that does not yield any benefit. I seek protection with You for myself, my family, and my children against condemned Satan(la).‘O Allah, no one can protect me against You, I do not find any place to hide from You, Do not humiliate me and Do not throw me in perdition and in torment. I plead before You to keep me to remain steadfast in Your religion, affirm Your book, and follow Your messenger(saww). ‘O Allah, speak of me with Your mercy and do not speak of me with my sins, accept from me (my good deeds), increase for me from Your generosity; I am keen in worshiping You. O Allah, make my reward for speaking and sitting to be Your happiness with me, make my deeds and supplication purely for You, make my reward paradise through Your mercy, place me together with all I pleaded for before You and increase for me through Your favor; I am greatly inclined (to submit myself) to You.
'O Allah, the stars have disappeared, eyes have gone to sleep, You are Watching and Guarding, the dark night cannot disappear from You nor the starry skies or the well-stretched Earth, neither the choppy ocean, nor the darkness upon darkness.You Send mercy upon whomever You will among Your creatures; You know the secret glance of the eyes and what the hearts conceal. I testify to what You have testified for yourself, to what Your angels have testified, and people of knowledge have testified that no one deserves to be worshiped except You the Majestic, the Wise. Whoever does not testify to what You have testified for yourself has disbelieved, Your angels have testified, and people of knowledge have testified, then write my testimony in (the Book) adjacent to their testimony.
'O Allah, You are the Peace, and from You is peace. I plead before You, O the Owner of glory and magnanimity to set my neck free of the Fire’.(Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, H. 3443.)

Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn al-Husayn, the saduq of the community, reports with his isnad from 'Abd Allah ibn Abi Ya'fur that al-'Imam al-Sadiq-may peace be upon him-said to him,
'O 'Abd Allah, when you offer salat, pray like someone who bids farewell and fears that he will never return (i.e. pray in such a manner as if it were the last prayer of your life). Then fix your gaze on the point of your prostration. If you know that there is someone on your left or right, you take more care in offering your salat; then know that you stand in front of Someone Who sees you and you don't see Him.'
(Al-Hurr al-`Amili, Wasa'il al-Shi'ah, iv, 688)

Al-Shaykh al-Saduq-may Allah sanctify his soul-reports with his isnad from al-'Imam al-Sadiq-may peace be upon him-that he said:
'When someone offers an obligatory salat at the beginning of its time and observes its prerequisites, an angel takes it up to the heaven. White and pure, it (i.e. the salat) says, 'May Allah take care of you as you took care of me. I have been delivered into the custody of a noble angel.' But when someone offers it without any excuse after its time has elapsed and does not observe its requisite manners, black and dark, it is taken up by an angel, while it calls out to him (i.e. its offerer), `You neglected me. May Allah neglect you in the same manner that you neglected me. May Allah not take care of you in the same way that you did not take care of me.'
(Al-Hurr al-`Amili,Wasa'il al-Shi`ah, iii, 90,)
Prayer is nothing except the wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (asws). As Moula Ali (asws) Himself said, “Anna salatul momineen”. (I am the prayer of momin). Now we will discuss every aspect of prayer briefly.  
Adhan and Iqama
As you have read, while saying adhan and iqama, we call prayer by three names; salat, falah, and khair ul amal. As you know in Ghadeer when people were called towards the wilayat of Moula Ali (asws), they were called by saying “Hayya ala khair ul amal”. This khair ul amal is wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (asws) as well as a name for prayer. So it has been proven prayer and wilayat of Moula Ali (asws) are the same thing. This is the reason Moula Ali (asws) said, “One who establishes My wilayat has certainly established prayer.” Moula Ali (asws) said further, “ I am ‘hayya ala salah’. I am ‘hayya ala falah’. I am ‘hayya khair ul amal’.”   Another very important aspect is when you say the iqama, you say these words: “Qadqama tis salah”. Its translation is “Certainly prayer has begun”. Even though you have not made your niyyat, said takbir, nor read your prayer, so you must think how is it possible without doing any of these acts the prayer has begun? Its quite clear that at the time you testify to the wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (asws) the prayer is established. After reading that whatever you do is simply obeying the orders of Allah.
Facing towards Kaaba
Kaaba is a house made of rocks and cement. It is called the House of Allah. In Arabic there are two words which are used for house; “darr” and “beit”. Darr is used for every building. Beit is that house in which a person has spent at least three nights. If you think about this, you will realize Allah is houseless nor can you even imagine a house for Him. Then who is He who spent three nights in Kaaba and this is why it is called “Beit” (House of Allah)? The history of Kaaba is itself a witness as to why Allah calls this house as His. No one else except our Moula (asws) and His Holy Mother (asws) has spent three nights in the Holy Kaaba. The Kaaba is not the house of Allah because He is far above the need of a house. This is the house of Moula Ali (asws). This is the will of Allah that when we face Kaaba in prayer, we must keep remembering Moula Ali (asws) in our minds during prayer.
Absolute Attention
This word ‘tawajja’ is made from wajja. Wajja means face. If you talk to someone and you turn your face in another direction, it is a very huge insult. Whenever we speak with someone we turn our face towards them. This act is called attention. It means you look at the face of the person who is in front of you. During prayer, we talk to Allah. Its wajib to turn our face towards the face of Allah. Every person on this earth knows “Wahjullah” (face of Allah) is Moula Ali (asws). If you do not pay absolute attention towards Moula Ali (asws) in your prayer, then you will be declared an insulter and disobedient towards Allah. Your prayer will be thrown back in your face.
Niyyat (Intention)
When you make your niyyat for prayer and say ‘qurbatan ilallah’, it means “for the nearness of Allah”. When you say this , it means you are performing this prayer to gain the nearness of Allah. Every single person is aware of the fact that inorder for you to be near or far from someone, they must be in a particular place for you to be near or far from. However we cannot even imagine a specific place for Allah. Doing so is absolute kufr (disbelief).   Before making your intention for prayer, you must think what is that place of Allah which is the reason for our reading this prayer to become close to Him. If you read Ziarat e Jamiah, it is clearly stated that the place of Allah is our Twelve Imams (asws). Imam Muhammad Baqir (asws) said, “I swear by Allah, there are seventy lines of angels in the heavens. If all the people who live on this earth, wished to count them, they will be unable to do so. They all gain the nearness of Allah through Our wilayat.”   So ‘qurbatan ilallah’ means to gain the nearness of Imam Zamana (ajf). If your prayer brings you close to Ahlul Bayt (asws), then certainly this is the true and real prayer. If your prayer takes you far from Ahlul Bayt (asws), then certainly such a prayer will take him into the hell.
In the book manaqib it is quoted through Hafs bin Ghiyas from Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (as) that one day the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) prepared to recite the Prayers and Imam Hussain (a.s) was standing besides him. The Prophet (a.s.w.s) recited the Takbir (Allahu Akbar) and Imam (a.s) could not pronounce it. The Prophet repeated it again but the Imam could not do so. The Prophet repeated his Takbir the seventh time Husain (a.s) recited it correctly.
Imam Sadiq (a.s) says that thus reciting Takbir seven times before starting Salat is recommended (sunnah).
Qayyam in prayer reminds us that when Imam Zamana (ajf) will reappear, He will stand and fight against munafiqeen. The purpose of qayyam in prayer is to prepare for jihad and show our Imam (ajf)we are ready to help.
The meaning of ‘salat’ is dua. If we ponder, we will see in all of the wajib acts of prayer, this is that act where we make dua. The dua is “Ahadena Siratul Mustaqeem”. “O’my Lord! Keep me on the true path.” The Siratul Mustaqeem is the wilayat of Moula Ali (asws).
During qayyam we stand and during sajda we place ourselves on the ground. Rukoo is an act between these two conditions. Quran called Ahlul Bayt (asws) as ‘Ummah tul Wasta”. It means the sacred personalities are wasila between Creator and creation. Rukoo reminds us about Ahlul Bayt (asws).
Who is such a momin on this earth who performs sajda and does not remember the last sajda of Imam Hussain (asws) in Karbala? This is proof the spirit and truth of our sajdas to remember that sajda which saved tawheed until the day of judgment. May our live be sacrificed on the shaheed e Karbala and the one who was brutally murdered on the plains of Karbala.


 Tashahud is standing witness to or giving testimony. All other sects of Islam / Muslims have consensus on tashahud as they all agree that be it Kalma or Azaan, Aqamah or Tashahud in every place only 2 testimonies i.e. testifying the oneness of Allah & Prophet hood of Hazrat Mohammad ( pbuh & hp ) is enough, whereas Shias believe that the main difference between Shi’ism and other sects is the acceptance of Wilayat-e- Moula Ali so where ever we give the first 2 testimonies ( i.e. Touheed & Risalat ) we should immediately give the 3rd testimony, the wilayat of Moula Ali and all shias believe that the Third testimony is just as necessary as the first 2 testimonies. Unfortunately, since a few years because of the ignorance of Shias towards the orders of Quran and Holy Traditions of Aimma , just like other muslims we too have stopped reciting the Third Shahadat and have restricted ourselves to only 2 testimonies in Salat. Our ignorance towards the orders of Quran and Ahadith results in our shias raising questions and objections on the very basis of our sect i.e. . Even though there are many books dedicated to prove the necessity of recitation in Salat but the fact is that firstly these books are not in reach of everyone as they are either in Arabic, Farsi or Urdu and many shias are not familiar with either of the languages, secondly our lives have become so hectic that we don’t even get enough time for our selves let alone reading such big and lengthy books.

We have to bear this in mind that just because something is not practiced at present time it does not mean that it is not a part of our act of worship. We all know that so many things have been changed in Salat that it is now a very big problem between different sects of Muslims as they all have different ways to pray Salat so accepting Salat as it is practiced today cannot be justified without trying hard to find out the things which were originally part of Salat but were struck off sometime back by the enemies of Islam in a well planned and organized manner. We have to look and seek further deep down inside it Specially if something is regarding the Wilayat of Moula Ali as we surely know that this was the very things that the rulers have tried their level best to eradicate and there was a time when just taking the name of Moula Ali was enough to be killed by the tyrant rulers and their equally tyrant lobby. Thinking about such a time we have to consider that how could anyone testify the wilayat of Ameer ul Momineen Ali ibn - e - Abi Talib openly and loudly? Majority of people during those times used to do ‘ Taqayya ‘ just to save themselves from harm. This period of Taqayya was so prolonged that disappeared even from the thoughts of Shias themselves. Even our Aimma refrained from openly teaching the Kalma which included to general public but instead used to teach the complete Kalma to some trustworthy companions only who would then convey it to the lovers of Ahlul Bait . Hence in the Book Al Kafi there is a tradition ( Hadith ) of Imam Mohammad Baqar which says “ If we would have fixed the tashahud of Salat , our followers and lovers ( Mawalis ) would have been killed “ . Hence if the recitation of
 Aliyan Wali Allah  in Tashahud is not practiced today it should not be taken for granted but instead we should try and see if it was practiced earlier and if we could find the proofs in Thaqalain ( Quran & Ahadith of Aimma ). We should all try and find out the answers to the following questions which come to our mind regarding the Third Shahadat in Salat :
1.Does our faith and logic ( Aql ) allow us to recite in Tashahud of Salat ?
2.Has Quran ever Ordered us to recite the third Shahadat ?
3.How did Rasool-e-Khuda ( pbuh & hp ) and our Imam used to recite Tashahud ?
4.What does the Fuqahas ( Islamic Clergy / Scholars) say about Third Shahadat?

Now let us try and shed some light on each of the Questions separately : Aql ( reasoning ) Normally at present time we only give 2 testimonies i.e. of Touheed & Risalat. In Arabic 2 testimonies are called Shahadatain whereas if the testimonies are at least 3 or more the word used in Arabic is Shahad’aat. The word Shahadatain ( 2 testimonies ) cannot be found any where in Quran but the word Shahad’aat can be seen in Quran and that too in the context of Salat. But if someone still refuses to stand witness to atleast 3 testimonies , would that not be rejecting Quranic order ?

 This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.(Quran 5:3)
This Ayat was revealed on the day of Ghadeer and the word “ Al youm “ signifies that on one special day one special thing happened which completed the deen ‘ Islam ‘ . The history stands witness that the thing that happened on that day was the announcement of Wilayat of Moula Ali . If we look at the aayaats that were sent before announcing the completion of Deen Islam we will notice that the order from Allah Almighty to convey this message was so strict that if this announcement was not made the Risalat of Rasool-e-Khuda ( pbuh & hp ) would have been in danger. If Rasool-e-Khuda (pbuh & hp ) would not have announced the Wilayat of Moula Ali could his Risalat be saved? Could the Deen Islam be saved without this announcement ? Is Salat not included in Deen ? Thus, if without testifying and announcing this Shahadat the Risalat of our Holy Prophet (pbuh & hp) was incomplete, The Deen Islam was incomplete - How can the prayers ( Salat ) of anyone be complete without it? Who doesn’t know that Tashahud is a part of Salat ( Prayers ) and the Salat, which tashahud is a part of - Shaikh Mufeed says in his book “ Al Ikhtesas “ and other Ulemas in their own books quote from Imam Mohd Baqar - Imam says ‘ Salat is Ameer ul Momineen ‘At quite many places it is quoted from Moula Ali this saying “ Ana Salat ul Momin “ I am the Salat of Momin. Is there any logic to exclude the testimony of some one who himself is “ Salat “ ?

" And those who are upright in their testimonies ( Shahadaatehum ), And those who keep a guard on their prayer, Those shall be in gardens, honored" (Surah Al Muarij - Ayat # 33 to 35 )
It is important to note here that the word Shahad’aat ( Plural ) in Arabic is only used for atleast 3 testimonies - It cannot be used for 2 testimonies , For 2 testimonies the word in Arabic is ‘ Shahadatain ‘ In the above Ayat-e-Quran Allah Almighty is describing the glories of people who testifies 3 Shahad’aat in their Salat and safeguards their prayers ( Salat ).

Whoever desires honor, then to Allah belongs the honor wholly. To Him do ascend the good words; and the good deeds, lift them up, and (as for) those who plan evil deeds, they shall have a severe chastisement; and (as for) their plan, it shall perish.(Surah Fatir - Aya # 10 )
In the above ayat of Quran the word used is "Al Kelam Al Tayyab" which is again in plural form (Sega-e-Jama) and as mentioned above in Arabic the plural form like this is only only used for Three or more. So the usage of "Al Kelam Al Tayyab" or the The Purified (3 or More) Kalamas clearly indicates that the Kalma which reaches and is accepted by Allah Almighty consists of Three or more Kalma. Now if we see that majority of Muslims including some Shias only recite Two Kalmas (Kalma-e-Tauheed & Kalma-e-Risalat) in Tashahud, allow me to say that this type of Kalama does not reach or is not accepted by Allah Almighty as he only accepts the shahadat (witness) which consists of 3 or more Kalmas. Now lets see how Imam Jafar e Sadiq explains the words "Al Kelam Al Tayyab" Tafseer Ayashi - Tafseer Saafi Our Imam said "Al Kelam Al Tayyab means the act of momin whereby he recites La illaha illallah - Mohammedun Rasool Allah and Aliyan Wali Allah  " The above is an absolutely clear and undeniable proof that we should all recite not just in Kalma, Aazaan and Aqamah as compulsory part but also in (Tashahud) Salat as an integral part.

  And those who break the Covenant(ahd) of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined  and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse (i.e. they will be far away from Allah's Mercy); And for them is the unhappy (evil) home (i.e. Hell). (Quran 13:25)
A tradition from Rasool-e-Khuda ( pbuh & hp ) “ Allah instructed Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa when the Prophet (pbuh & hp ) was returning from Mairaj : Allah said ‘ inform this to your Ummat that Ali Wali ullah is Waseela between you and me so do not leave him. And remember that neither your Azaan will be complete without it nor Aqamat or Salat or Roza(Fasting) or Haj or Zakat and not even your birth or death without mentioning (Tanveerul Eemaan by Shaikh Yaqoob Al Kulainy )
Imam Jaffar As Sadiq ( as ) says “ Thus when ever one says La ilaha illalla and Mohammedan Rasool Allah, he must immediately say Ali is Ameer ul Momineen Wali Ullah “ (Ehtejaj-e-Tibrisi - Volume 1 )
Imam Ali Raza says “ Allah Almighty has said that he will NOT ACCEPT anyone’s acts of worship unless he stands witness to Moula Ali ’s Wilayat with Prophet’s ( pbuh & hp ) Risalat.” (Book Imali Suddook )

And ask (O Muhammad SAW) those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you: "Did We ever appoint aliha (gods) to be worshipped besides the Most Beneficent (Allah)?"(Quran 43:45)
The Holy Imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s) said: ‘A man came to the Commander of the Faithful
(a.s.) in the Mosque of kufa and said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful! Surely there is in the
Quran a Verse which has corrupted the religious.’ He (a.s) said: ‘And which one is that?’
The Statement of Allah (s.w.t.) ‘And ask those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you:
Did We ever appoint gods to be worshipped besides the Beneficent Allah? (43:45).’ And
where were the Prophets during the time of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) that he (s.a.w.)
would have asked them?’ The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said to them: ‘Take a seat!
Allah Willing I shall inform you of this. Surely Allah (s.w.t.) has Said in His Book ‘Glory be to
Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque
of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs’ –
One of the signs of Allah (s.w.t.) that he (s.a.w.) saw was that Jibraeel stopped at the Bayt Al
Ma’moor and the ablution was performed at the Mosque of Al Aqsa and Jibraeel stood and
recited the Adhaan said to him (s.a.w.), ‘Go forward and Pray and the angels behind you of a
number known only to Allah (s.w.t.). In the first line were Adam (a.s.) and Nooh (a.s.) and
Ibrahim (a.s.) and Hud (a.s.) and Musa (a.s.) and Isa (a.s.) and every Prophet that Allah the
Holy the High had sent since the creation of the Heavens and the earth and then sent
Muhammad (s.a.w.). The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) moved forward and led them in Prayer with
dignity and without bashfulness. Allah (s.w.t.) revealed in the twinkling of an eye ‘And ask
those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you: Did We ever appoint gods to be
worshipped besides the Beneficent Allah? (43:45)’. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) turned
towards them and addressed them altogether: ‘How did you bear the testimonies?’ They
replied, ‘We bore that surely there is no Deity except Allah (s.w.t.) Who is One without
Partner and you are the Messenger of Allah and that the Commander of the Faithful Ali
is your Trustee, and you are the Messenger of Allah and the Master of all Prophets and
Ali is the Master of all the Trustees, and these testimonies were taken as a covenant
from us.’ The man said, ‘You have revived my heart and rescued me O Commander of the

Faithful!’ (AL YAQEEN – SYED IBN TAWOOS 589 - 664 AH)

Fuqahas ( Islamic Clergy / Scholars)

Sheikh Tusi (Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi)

Sheikh Tusi in his book "Misbah Al Mutahhajid also mentions the following in Tashahhud:

فإذا جلست للتشهد في الرابعة على ما وصفناه قلت بسم الله وبالله ( وذكر مثله إلا أنه قال ) واشهد ان محمدا نعم الرسول وان عليا نعم ولي واشهد ان ما على الرسول الا البلاغ المبين اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وبارك على محمد وآل محمد وارحم محمدا وآل محمد ( وزاد بعد قوله الهادين المهديين كلمة الراشدين )    [Ref: Misbah ul Mutahajjid Pg.34]

Faqih-e-AhleBait (as) Ayatullah Khoi
In the book "Siraat Ul Najaat Fee Ajwab Il Isteftaat" containing the rulings of Ayatullah Khoi collected by Ayatullah Jawad Tabarizi:

سؤال 240: من يذكر في كل تشهد في الصلاة، بعد الشهادة بالوحدانية و الرسالة، الشهادة لعلي عليه السلام بالولاية، هل يحكم ببطلان صلاته، لو كان ذلك منه جهلا بالحكم، واعتقادا بلزومها أو استحبابها، أم تصح تلك الصلاة؟
الخوئي: إذا كان معتقدا بصحة الصلاة معها، صحت ولا اعادة عليه فيها

Question: If one in every Tashahhud in Prayers after recitation of declaration of Tawheed and Risaalat, recites the declaration of Wilayat of Ali (as), then does the Prayer become invalid? Whether this be out of ignorance of the law, or with believing it to be obligatory or Mustahab, Will that prayer be valid?

Answer by Ayatullah Khoi: “If the person was of the believe that the prayer is valid with it [shahadah of Wilayat of Imam Ali (as)] then the prayers is correct and reciting the praying again is not on him."
                                                   [Ref: Siraat Ul Najaat Fee Ajwaab Il Isteftaat Vol.1]

Faqih-e-AhleBait (as) Ayatullah Sayed Sadiq Shirzai
Ayatullah Sayed Sadiq Shirazi permits the recital of Shahadat-e-Salia in Tashahhud and Salam of Salat.
Faqih-e-AhleBait (as) Ayatullah Sayed Burujardi
Ayatullah Sayed Burujardi has the following 2 Tashahhud in his book ‘Jama’e Ahadees-ush-Shia”. The First is from the book “Misbah of Sheikh Tusi” and second is from the book “Fiqh-Ar-Raza”.

مصباح الشيخ 34 - فإذا جلست للتشهد في الرابعة على ما وصفناه قلت بسم الله وبالله ( وذكر مثله إلا أنه قال ) واشهد ان محمدا نعم الرسول وان عليا نعم ولي واشهد ان ما على الرسول الا البلاغ المبين اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وبارك على محمد وآل محمد وارحم محمدا وآل محمد ( وزاد بعد قوله الهادين المهديين كلمة الراشدين )

فقه الرضا عليه السلام ... اشهد انك نعم الرب وأن محمدا نعم الرسول وان علي بن أبي طالب نعم المولى...

.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wali.....

Ayatullah Mubashir Kashani

اَشْهَدُ اَنّ عَلِيّاً وَلِي اللّه جزو اذان و اقامه مي‏باشد، و واجب است‏ بعدازاَشْهَدُ اَنّ مُحَمّداً رَسُولُ اللّه به قصد وجوب گفته شود

Ashhadu Ana Aliyan Wali-ullah is a part of Azan and Iqamat and reciting it is Wajib after Ashhadu Ana Muhammadan Rasool-ullah.

Faqih-e-AhleBait (as) Sayed Ahmad Mustanabad say’s the following in his book “Al Qatra”

“I finish this chapter with that Tashahhud which Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) used to recite in Salat because have heard from a few people that they are in denial of the Third Shahadah in Aazan and Iqamat, although Sheikh Tabrizi in his book “Ehtejaaj” has quoted the following hadees from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as)”;

قال امام صادق علیه السلام : اذا قال احدكم لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله فلیقل علی امیر المومنین ولی الله.

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) says: “When any one from you says ‘La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadan Rasool Allah” then he must say ‘Alian Wali Allah’.            

[Ref: Al-Ehtejaaj Vol: 1 Pg: 230 / Bihar Al Anwar Vol: 27 Hadees: 1]

Sayed Ahmad Mustanabat continues saying:

“This means that with the declaration of Tauheed and Risalat, the declaration of Wilayat of Imam Ali (as) should also be necessarily given.  People are ignorant of the fact that based on the above hadees of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) the declaration of the Wilayat of Imam Ali (as) is among the recommended acts (mustahabat) of Salat.”

“Below I quote the Tashahhud of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) because its meaning is very in depth and high and it’s very advantageous for those who think and ponder over it. This is quoted in the book “Fiqh-e-Majlisi” by Muhammad Taqi Majlisi and is as follows:

.....اشهد ان لا اله الّا الله وحده لا شریك له و اشهد انّ محمّداً عبده و رسوله .... اشهد انك نعم الرّبّ و انّ محمّداً نعم الرّسول و انّ علیاً نعم الوصی و نعم الامام
...... I bear witness that no god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wasi and Imam.....
                                   [Ref: Al-Qatra Vol: 1 Pg: 328, (URDU – al Qatra vol: 2 pg 92/93)]

Sitting for the tashahhud
[ 8259 ] 1 ـ محمّد بن إدريس في آخر ( السرائر ) نقلاً من كتاب حريز بن عبد الله : عن زرارة قال : قال أبو جعفر ( عليه السلام ) : لا بأس بالاقعاء فيما بين السجدتين ، ولا ينبغي الاقعاء في موضع التشهّد ، إنّما التشهّد في الجلوس وليس المقعي بجالس.
1 – Muhammad b. Idris in the end of as-Sara’ir transmitting from the book of Hariz b. `Abdullah from Zurara.  He said: Abu Ja`far عليه السلام said: There is no harm with iq`aa in what is between the two sajdas, and iq`aa is not appropriate in the place of the tashahhud.  The tashahhud is only (done) in sitting, and the one doing iq`aa is not sitting
 [ 8260 ] 2 ـ محمّد بن الحسن بإسناده عن الحسين بن سعيد ، عن فضالة ، عن أبان ، عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي عبد الله قال : سألته عن جلوس المرأة في الصلاة ؟ قال : تضمّ فخذيها.

 ورواه الكليني عن علي بن إبراهيم ، عن أبيه ، عن الحسين بن سعيد ، مثله.
2 – Muhammad b. al-Hasan by his isnad from al-Husayn b. Sa`id from Faddala from Aban from `Abd ar-Rahman b. Abi `Abdillah.  He said: I asked him about the sitting of the woman in salat.  He said: She joins her thighs together.

And al-Kulayni narrated it from `Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from al-Husayn b. Sa`id likewise.
 [ 8261 ] 3 ـ وبإسناده عن علي ، عن أبي بصير ، عن أبي عبد الله ( عليه السلام ) قال : إذا جلست في الصلاة فلا تجلس على يمينك ، واجلس على يسارك ، الحديث.
3 – And by his isnad from `Ali from Abu Basir from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام.  He said: When you are sitting in salat, then do not sit upon your right, rather (lit. and) sit upon your left (- to the end of the hadith).
 [ 8262 ] 4 ـ محمّد بن علي بن الحسين قال : قال رجل لأميرالمؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) : يا بن عمّ خير خلق الله ، ما معنى رفع رجلك اليمنى وطرحك اليسرى في التشهّد ؟ قال : تأويله : اللهم أمت الباطل وأقم الحقّ.

 ورواه في ( العلل ) بإسناد تقدّم في تكبير الافتتاح .
4 – Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-Husayn said: A man said to Amir al-Mu’mineen عليه السلام: O son of the uncle of the best of the creation of Allah, what is the meaning of the raising of your right foot and your  casting off of the left in the tashahhud?  He said: Its interpretation is “Allahumma perish the false and establish the truth”

And he narrated it in al-`Ilal by the isnad which preceded in the (section of the) the opening takbir....          Wassalaam!

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